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Alumni of the Month

Mrs. Eunjin Joung, CEO of Oven Brothers

Diplôme de Pâtisserie 2019

Why have you chosen Le Cordon Bleu-Sookmyung Academy to learn French pastry? 
I used to enjoy making snacks like pizza or cookies at home since I was very young. After I became an adult, although I had another job, my passion for baking didn’t decrease, so I ended up hosting home-baking classes for my acquaintances. However, as I taught classes, I felt both joy but also a growing doubt about my competence, thus felt the need for professional education. The many questions that couldn’t be resolved through books made 
me realize that learning is a journey that never ends. With these accumulated experiences, I felt a strong desire to become a real professional pastry expert, and I especially wanted to learn traditional French desserts. As a mother of three, studying abroad was difficult, so I decided to enter Le Cordon Bleu-Sookmyung Academy, the place where you can learn French pastry in Korea. The education and experiences I gained from the Academy have given me immense satisfaction and pride. Although the decision to join the Academy was not easy, it remains one of the most important decisions of my life, which I do not regret. 

What do you do now after graduating the Academy?
Currently, I run a store named Oven Brothers in Daejeon. I started home-baking in earnest in 2017, then studied pastry at Le Cordon Bleu. In the beginning, I felt frustrated and discouraged due to the lack of significant progress. I persevered every day, every month, and every year, to continue to take on this difficult path. After graduating I envisioned a new future for Oven Brothers, and to make turn this new vision into reality, I built and 
moved into a new building. It was a huge challenge and investment, but seeing more and more people coming into my store seeking my desserts gave me the confidence to pursue my dream. 

When was the moment you experienced the most significant change while attending the Academy? 
My experience at Le Cordon Bleu brought several significant changes in my life. The most notable change is that I met colleagues who share the same dream and a deep sense of fellowship emanated from these encounters. Before attending the Academy, no one in my circle was involved in pastry, nor running cafés or shops. However, the academy introduced me to colleagues who share a common goal, and who also became longtime friends. And the exchanges I had with them have been a great source of support to me. Furthermore, the problems I couldn’t resolve myself when I baked alone could finally be understood and surmounted, and mastering the foundational techniques has contributed greatly nurturing my confidence. This confidence I gained in the skills has been very effective when I have to impart methods for developing menus or pastry techniques to my employees. And this ability has been critical in making my shop a dessert cafés that attracts more and more returning customers. All these changes were possible because of the education and connections forged at Le Cordon Bleu. The experience at the Academy has propelled me to grow a step further, and it will continue to be the driving force to enhance my ability.

What is the most important aspect you focus on while running your store? 
While running my shop, I place particular emphasis on the quality of the desserts. Each confection is made with the profound dedication of our pâtissiers, and each dessert is completed, through a process where our pastry chefs put their souls into every stage. Therefore, our desserts aren’t simply food but resemble pieces of art. That is why it is important to meticulously care for the desserts until they reach the customers. One of the lessons I learned at Le Cordon Bleu was to fully understand and respect the characteristics of ingredients. Chefs have always emphasized to highlight as much as possible the natural flavor of the ingredients. And we are trying to strictly adhere to this principle in our store. We are striving to make desserts that taste like the ones you would have in France by only using the best ingredients. As we endeavor to make desserts that make you feel like you are eating them in France, I pay attention to the atmosphere, the tastes, and everything that will make every customers to feel like that they are entering in a small café located in Paris each time they come to the store. In order to deliver such an experience, we pay meticulous attention to every process, from the selection of ingredients to the cooking process, until the final moment they are presented to our customers.   

How was running your own business while raising your children at the same time? 
As a mother of three, it is really challenging to have a career and raise children at the same time. In the beginning when I started this work, my children were still very young, and there were mountains of tasks that I cannot even describe in words. But now that some time has passed, my children have grown, and when I ask them about their dreams for the future, many times they answer “I want to make pastries like you do”. I was surprised when I heard that for the first time, but hearing them tell me “You are my role model,” I now have no doubt that my children are my greatest supporters and cheerleaders. I also try to manage my time effectively, distinctly separating the time to spend with my family and the time to concentrate on work. During my worktime, I focus on completing the tasks of the day, and when it is time to spend with my children, I try to forget about work and concentrate on them. Striving continuously to balance work and life is my key to managing both parenting and work. Also, knowing that my children view me as their role model fuels my determination to be a positive example for them.     

Is there any tips you would like to give to future and fellow alumni who dream of starting their own business? 
I believe the café market is currently saturated. It’s a shame to see people launching a business so easily and shutting down their shop just as easily. Desserts and coffee have become an inseparable duo, yet many individuals seem to consider the bakery industry easy when undertaking a business. What I would like to say to future and fellow alumni considering venturing into this domain is that prior to launching your business, it's imperative to solidify one's skills and accumulate substantial experience. Unique ideas and meticulous preparation are, of course, important. Also, becoming a pâtissier means, you have to sacrifice a lot of your own time. If you want to succeed by running your own business, you should be ready to commit fully to your work. Only if you are ready to strive, you can start to consider launching your store. Before initiating operations, it is essential to conduct thorough market research and study successful cases to discern effective strategies. Without practical experience, honed skills, and a profound comprehension of the market, it is difficult to ensure long-term success. Launching a business doesn’t simply mean opening doors of a store, but being armed with strategies conducive to sustainable growth. 

What are your future goals and plans? 
My future goals and plans are to introduce traditional French pastries all over Daejeon while pursuing classic desserts without falling behind trends. I aim to introduce the true taste of France to the people of Daejeon by adding my own unique touch to the classical elements. My goal is for Oven Brothers to become the symbolic place that comes to mind to more and more people when they think of a French pastry shop. In Daejeon, there is already a bakery where people come especially for the bread. I would like Oven Brothers to also evolve into such a dessert café and become a renowned attraction for the people who visit the city. 

Also, if my children want to study pastry, I will recommend them Le Cordon Bleu to them without any hesitation and support them in reaching their goals. I believe that the experience I gained at Le Cordon Bleu has deeply influenced me, and I also think it is the best way to impart the deep flavors of French pastry and the techniques to my children. By supporting my children so they can study at Le Cordon Bleu, I wish to spread the essence of traditional French pastry all over Daejeon and pass on my passion and love to the next generation. 

To me, Le Cordon Bleu is? 
To me, Le Cordon Bleu is like a lighthouse in the blue ocean. Le Cordon Bleu signifies a new beginning for me. The world of the pastry is vast and endless, like to the ocean, and at times, I felt overwhelmed by its vastness. I felt like I was lost, unsure of which direction to take in the middle of this ocean. However, Le Cordon Bleu has, much like a lighthouse, illuminated my path, preventing me from getting lost in the darkness of the waters. The knowledge and techniques that I learned at the academy showed me the direction I needed to take, and the world of pastry began to appear finally blue, clear and beautiful like the sea. The Academy has been more than a place that imparts knowledge, it has also served as an important guide in my life. Thanks to Le Cordon Bleu, I have gained 
confidence and have been taking on new challenges in the pastry field. 

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