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Alumni of the Month

Ms. Soyeon Lee, Pastry Specialized Content Creator
Channel Name: Joy n Baking

Diplôme de Pâtisserie 2023

Why have you chosen Le Cordon Bleu-Sookmyung Academy to learn French pastry?  
Before becoming a pastry chef, I worked as a researcher in a government-funded bio research institute and in a venture company. I always dreamed of becoming a pastry chef, so even after starting my career, I pursued baking as a hobby. Deciding what to bake, how to make it, understanding why it takes a certain form after baking, and analyzing the texture all this felt like scientific experiments. This convinced me that my background as a researcher would be beneficial even if I changed my career in baking. 
However, since I was baking by self-learning, I often felt that I lacked of technical skills. I had a strong desire to fill this deficiency from a reputable institution. The desserts I love are macarons and mousse cakes
So I thought studying at Le Cordon Bleu which is a French pastry institution would be the best choice. The biggest advantage of Le Cordon Bleu is that you can learn French pastry from in French from French chefs, without needing to go to French which is why I enrolled there. 

What is your most memorable episode from the Academy?
During the nine months I attended Le Cordon Bleu, the time I remember most is when I was in the superior pastry class, just before the graduation exam which required us to submit a creative entremet. Creating your own entremet gives the opportunity to review all the recipes you’ve learned, from the basic to superior pastry. In the process of deciding on the flavor ingredients and the design of your entremet, you get to experience significant growth. I particularly struggled with chocolate, so I asked Chef Martin for advice and practiced based on his feedback. On the exam day, I successfully completed my work. The chefs at Le Cordon Bleu have extensive experience and knowledge, and they offer individualized guidance that allows you to grow significantly in a short period of time. 

What has been the biggest change since studying at Le Cordon Bleu?  
I learned the practical techniques used in the field and learned the skills of handling various tools and equipment. I had no prior experience in the field, but by listening to the rich anecdotes Chefs shared with us during the demonstration classes, I gained a lot of indirect experience. Also, at the practice classes of Le Cordon Bleu, you are trained in mass production by doing co-working with 2-3 people, which taught me the importance teamwork. 
During the practice classes, I learned the order of operations when there are multiple processes, precautions needed when producing large quantities, and how to effectively cooperate with colleagues. These experiences gave me the confidence that I will be able to adapt well to any workplace. 

What do you do now after graduating the Academy?  
In 2023, I published a book entitled “American Cookies You Want To Bake Every Day” and this year, in 2024, my second book “Joy n Baking Recipe Book”, came out.  I started writing the second book while attending Le Cordon Bleu, in 2023. It took me a year to finish it but since I wrote it while studying at the Academy I was able to directly apply the techniques I was learning so I think that this book came out more practical. I am also running a baking class, so I am actively sharing my knowledge I gained at Le Cordon Bleu with my students. 
Additionally, I host a Youtube live broadcast every week where I share my recipes with my viewers. And this experience as a baking Youtuber has led me to be featured on MBC Chungbuks program “ Energetic Live Evening Show”. This gave me an opportunity to expand my presence as a baking Youtuber. Additionally, since I enjoy creating things, I wanted to make some merchandise. I started selling mini posters featuring photos from my “Joy n Baking Recipe Book”. As a freelancer, I strive to gain a wide range of experiences.   

What aspects do you focus on the most when creating a content? (e.g., recipes, visuals, shooting techniques, etc.)
These days, I always include subtitles and the voice-overs in my videos. This helps to keep viewers engaged for longer and results in better responses. On social media, I also add English subtitles since they are used worldwide. When I first started creating content, all the filming and editing were done on a mobile phone. Now I use a mirrorless camera for filming and professional editing software. After graduating from Le Cordon Bleu, I wanted to present a more professional image, and the change of equipment has indeed led to some improvements.      

What are the biggest challenge or difficulties you experienced while creating content?  
The biggest challenge and difficulty for me was definitely switching the equipment from a mobile phone to a camera. The equipment was expensive, and I studiedd on my own to learn how to use it since I had no prior knowledge of cameras. There were times when, despite my efforts, the footage turned out completely black or white. There was also cases when I couldn’t use the content due to the noise. It took twice as long to edit. However, through all this practice I have reached a level where I can take photos that could be published in a recipe book. Now I believe it was very worthwhile to learn.  

What is the biggest achievement or satisfaction you get from creating content? 
Creating content requires a significant amount of time and effort. Through social media, you receive immediate feedback, so you quickly know if you have made a good piece of content. These days, I get a lot of ideas on social media platform like Instagram. You can check out the works of famous pâtissiers worldwide and quickly learn about new trends. However, even if you have an idea, it is difficult to create of content if you lack the skills to bring it to life. Thanks to the various pastry techniques I learned at Le Cordon Bleu I was able to make my ideas, which were only inside my head, into reality. And as you accumulate content, it can serve as your portfolio. Furthermore, if you receive commercial advertisements proposal, it generates more income, giving you the motivation to keep creating content consistently.

While interacting with you followers, what was the most significant moment or story?  
Since I have been running a baking account on social media for over three years, many people have come to recognized me first. Last year, when I participated in an in invitation seminar for Le Cordon Bleu alumni, I was surprised when one the followers I used to follow recognized me first. Apparently, that person had also graduated from the pastry program. I have also seen many people who have opened their dessert shops. Even though I haven’t met them in person, communicating through our common interest in baking makes me feel a strong sense of closeness with them. Watching them grow gradually and seeing them achieve their goal of opening their own dessert shop makes me want to cheer them on and inspires me a lot as well.  

Any tips you’d like to share with fellow and future alumni aspiring to become creators?
Creators, can expand their influence globally through content. That is why I believe it would be beneficial to learn English or other languages. Having various languages available allows you to widen your reach, even me, I upload the recipes and subtitles translated into English. If your dream is to become a creator in the baking field, studying at Le Cordon Bleu will help you a lot with the technical aspects 
Also when you have an idea, make a note of it so you won’t forget, and make sure to bring it to life. Nowadays, anyone can become a creator with just a mobile phone. You can even start as an hobby, so if you have made up your mind, go for it.

What are your future goals and plans? (e.g., new projects, collaborations, book publications, etc.) 
I have published two baking recipe books, and next year, I would like to write one focusing on the theory. Having worked as a researcher, experimenting and analyzing suit me well. The books I  read while studying the theory were mostly a translations from Japanese into Korean, which included many ingredients that were difficult to find in Korea, and there were parts which were difficult to understand due the language. Therefore, I want to create a book using ingredients that are easily found in Korea. It will be an experimental book that compares results based on different ingredients and processes. I am also consistently running my Youtube channel, and if I receive any proposals to appear on TV programs, I would like to work actively as a broadcaster as well. 

To me, Le Cordon Bleu is? 
To me, Le Cordon Bleu is the place that transformed me from a home baker into a pâtissier. 
I had been baking consistently since my teens and I believed I had some talent. However, self-study alone wasn’t enough to fully develop my skills.So, I tried to make up for my shortcomings at Le Cordon Bleu, but I learned so much more than that. Now I have the ability to make my ideas, which were only in my head, come true. I am excited of the many various and delicious desserts I will be making in the future. 

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