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“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School

In February this year, Kobe School held the first “Dîner Gourmand” event, consisting of a restaurant menu prepared by the French Cuisine superior class students.


“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School
“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School
“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School
“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School


As part of the academic program, the event was fully conducted by the students, from establishing the work plan to cooking and serving, allowing them to experience the actual working conditions in a restaurant. Such event has been carried out at Tokyo School since May 2018 but this time was a first for Kobe School. With many guests taking part in the event, an atmosphere and environment quite different from the usual classes, the tension was palpable among the students who did their best to showcase what they were capable of.


“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School



La mer et la terre, Flan de Saint-Jacques et Rillette de canard parfumé au yuzu, Sauce truffe moussante
Sparkling Wine
« Crémant de Bourgogne, Chardonnay NV Les Vignerons »
Quenelles de sandre, soup de poisson et langoustine, écume d’alge Kombu
White Wine
«Jean-Claude Mas, Les Grès, Chardonnay Réserve, Pays d’Oc, Cépage Chardonnay 2017»
Canard aux épices en deux cuissons, Pomme de terre au jus, sauce épicée
Red Wine
« Albert Bichot, Luberon La Bichette, Bichot Meilleur Cépage Grenache, Syrah 2012»
La glace au Roquefort Petit gâteau aux noisettes
Nougat glacé à la parisienne, Coulis aux fruits rouges Feuille de meringue
Petit Four
Bonbon au chocolat, macaron à la pistache, financier


“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School
“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School


We asked the three team leaders to give us some feedback about their experience.
From left to right - main dish team leader: Hsin-Ju Ho (HJH), starter team leader: Zecheng Li (ZL), dessert team leader: Qinghong Zhang (QZ)


“Dîner Gourmand” event held for the first time at Kobe School


Q. How different was the experience from the usual classes? What made it more difficult?

HJH - I felt very nervous to be working in front of the guests… Unlike the usual classes, the organization was fully based on teamwork, which was quite difficult. I was so stressed on the day of the event that I happened to forget where I had stored some ingredients (laughing); but it was a very good experience overall!

ZL - I really struggled with teamwork! There were also so many preliminary arrangements we had to do in advance… But other teams covered for some mistakes my team made and I think that it is because we were working as a team that the event was a success in the end.

QZ - I think that teamwork strengthened the bonds between the students and it is very positive outcome. As for my team, we had to change our original plan after the event started and it was quite difficult to adapt and readjust. I wish we had spent more time on the preparations so it would have gone more smoothly on the day of the event.

Q. How is this experience going to help you in regards to your future plans?

HJH - My dream is to become a Michelin Guide inspector. In order to turn it into reality, I need to keep studying and earn more experience. Both in terms of culinary and management skills. I am quite certain that having experienced the working conditions of a restaurant during the event will prove to be very useful to me in the future.

ZL - My family and friends came to the event. They told me: “It tastes so good. Teach me how to make it!” and that made me really happy! After graduation, I intend to return to China, continue my studies, gain further experience and start my own business when I feel more confident. My wife is currently learning pastry: it is our dream to run our own establishment as husband and wife!

QZ - I already took the pastry course before joining the cuisine course so I should be getting the “Grand Diplôme” before going back to China. I would like to open a café as owner chef in China with a focus on desserts. I want to cook myself in that context but I also feel like hiring people and passing on what I have learnt. I am sure I will be making good use of everything I learnt through the event then.


It really feels like everyone has grown up through the “Dîner Gourmand” event experience… Le Cordon Bleu is looking forward to your future success!


Information about the programs




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