Valérie and Megan's culinary adventure with Sel Hospitalité
Today, Le Cordon Bleu Paris turns the spotlight on two ladies from North America and the Caribbean who have turned their passion for cooking into a true ...
Le Cordon Bleu Paris would like to congratulate all the members of the French team, and in particular Grégoire Bardet in his role as coach. It is an immensely proud moment for the Institute, which each year provides culinary arts and management training to over 20,000 students worldwide. The French team’s victory is a testament to our Chef Instructors’ French culinary excellence and expertise and their outstanding ability to transmit their passion to students each and every day.
Following months of intensive training, this is the team’s hard-earned reward and the culmination of an amazing human adventure that places teamwork centre stage. We can be immensely proud of our outstanding French team for shining a light on a profession that deserves global recognition. Here’s hoping that the Bakery World Cup has a good many years ahead of it, as it gives everyone the opportunity to truly celebrate bread.
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