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What Will I Learn?

While the terms 'modernist cuisine' or 'molecular gastronomy' have been overhyped in recent times, its advocates have clearly had a profound and lasting effect on the contemporary gastronomic landscape. Ferran Adrià, Heston Blumenthal, Massimo Bottura, to name a few, have changed how we taste, enjoy, relate to and experience food. A multi-sensory approach to dining triggers the evocative power of memory as well as shape our cultural and social identities through the dining experience. 
This course covers the growing popularity of this culinary trend, its philosophical basis, importance and global influence. Explore the creative processes and scientific research behind its success, as well as the future of multi-sensory dining. 

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Personalise your study experience by interacting with your instructor and fellow participants. See above for the next delivery date for the premium option.    


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Course Structure

Participants will develop knowledge, applicable across a number of domains, and be able to apply new skills and practices by honing of creative processes that provide the basis for the design of multi-sensory dining experiences.

Weekly topics include:
Gastronomy and science academics and students; chefs, hospitality professionals; restaurant reviewers; and passionate food amateurs will benefit from this course.

Course Introduction


  • Helena Simoes2
    This was definitely a great experience. This course made me enhance my abilities in the world of food experiences. I used to embrace my work in a different avant guarde way, and I now have discovered that all is in line with the concepts of modernist cuisine. I truly believe I am much more richer knowledge-wise from this point on.
    Helena Simoes
  • Female Icon for testimonials
    I found this course to be very informative. It has opened my mind to a lot of new trends and technology used in the food and dining industry. It was good to share in discussion forums and real time learning with other participant's experiences. Attending Le Cordon Bleu was an all time dream and this online course made it possible. I cannot wait to do another one.
    Shanika Wilson