A unique, multi-disciplinary programme which aims at putting forward all the scientific, cultural, sociological and economic aspects of taste, gastronomy and the art of fine dining.

Lire en français.

Témoignage d'Andreas Baumann

Testimonial - Andreas Baumann (2016)

« The knowledge gained from HEG widened my horizon about food and beverage from a theoretical, analytical & sensorial point of view »

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Denis Saillard

Meet Denis Saillard - Professor in contemporary history

He specializes in the cultural history of gastronomy and is a lecturer for the HEG programme.

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Helene Lassalle

« The meal in movies » by Hélène Lassalle - Alumna 2011

Gastronomic culture, in France at any rate, is based on the whole dining experience, not just cooking but sharing what has been made.

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Bourse Le Cordon Bleu pour les HEG 2017

Are you ready for a unique experience?

Le Cordon Bleu Scholarship for the Hautes Etudes du Goût 2017 programme. This scholarship will help the successful applicant to attend one of Le Cordon Bleu’s most prestigious programmes.

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